
Welcome bloggers and readers!

You appear to have found your way through the vast expanse of the internet to my small corner over here. It’s nice to see you, pull up some cyberspace and come join us!

I’m Lizzie and I’m a postgraduate student, which means that being a student wasn’t scarring enough to put me off the first time, so I’m having another go. In my spare time I like bask in the glow of an excellent book, lift (moderately) heavy things, terrify my family with my ‘prowess’ in the kitchen and stress about how much there is to do in so little time.

In my little world, I write to explore, create and sometimes vent. It could be anything: writing will often ensue when I’m taken by a spontaneous fancy while putting off doing something more pressing. Did I mention that I’m an excellent procrastinator? If you are too, good for you! Pressure makes diamonds, don’t you know.

So if you don’t mind occasional word vomit, and the occasional very long, very comma’d sentence, then stick around to see what comes pouring out of my head and onto the page next!

(As a brief side note, I’m not very techy, so if you fancy dropping a few hints on how I can make my page look a bit nicer, that’d be much appreciated!)

3 thoughts on “About”

    1. Nice to meet you too! Thank you so much for following and commenting, it really means a lot that you’ve taken the time to do so :) your little part of the internet is lovely and rest assured, I’ll be visiting frequently! :D

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